Tuesday, April 12, 2011

ISA 428 Overheat fix

Update: The dual fan setup was effective but what a freekin racket....!!! So I brought out the big guns and installed a 4" silent fan on the top cover blowing inwards. Then I changed the regulator in my circuit to a 1708 bringing the voltage down from 12 to 8VDC. Did a 6 hour session last night, much quieter, cooler and no digi pops and querks.

Here is what we did with my ISA 428 preamp heat issue after installing an AD card. We added a heatsink (from an old 21" CRT, remember those...!!) with fan and some good heat transfer compound, a second smaller fan on the side wall (inside), a small rectifier/regulator circuit (***isolated from chassis ground) to power the fans and lastly, standoffs under the top cover to lift it up about a 1/2" and let more air in/out. Worked out great and all done from leftover recycled stuff laying around the shop.

Many thanks to Glenn L for the tech wizardry and Clovis L for the milling magic.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

DIY Reflection Filter

Here is my crack at a diy reflection filter after seeing the "PRIMACOUSTIC VOXGUARDA" online. Took a cover from a scraped piece of xray equipment at work, a piece of dense foam, latex glue and a can of $8.99 funky spray paint.
Quick test shows reduced room reflections and much more focused vox sound but I need to give it a good run as soon as I can find a spare hour or so, life is just to fast ain't it...!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Dad's carving of "Le regiment de la chaudiere" bage

Dad passed away this week, at 95, he saw a lot of things in his life. He was in WWII and carved this statue over in Holland. In the base of the statue, he hid a German revolver and snuck it back to Canada but the gun was confiscated by game warddens back in the sixties. Oh how I would like to get my hands on that piece.
I will miss you Dad, watch over us and may you finaly get the peacful rest you deserve.
Your son Robert

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Disney 2011 Pan360

Pan of one of the stadiums at Holywood studios Orlando.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sink project

Salvage of old sink from work to replace plastic laundry tub.